Monday, June 17, 2013

Highway 80 to become 4 lanes?

South Coast  Mayors and the Tourist Associations Call for 4-Lane Road To Costalegre

They believe that if Highway 80 were 4 lanes to Costalegre it would be a huge help to the tourist market.

The real trigger for tourist life would Costalegre termination of federal highway 80, in the stretch to the Costalegre, to four lanes, and that is why the mayors of the south coast region, and the association of hotels, motels and Costalegre developers are requesting the work.

"We are asking the Governor to get back to the continuation of Highway 80, so people can come to us from Guadalajara to the Costalegre, on a road with less risk and more quickly, 80 percent of our tourism we have in the Costalegre, comes from Guadalajara ".

Piden Carretera De 4 Carriles Para Costalegre


Steve Cotton said...

I would think that trucking companies would fully back a wider road. That two-lane highway must be a terrible crimp on transportation costs.

Whenever I hear special interest groups talk about how spending public money is good for their private interests, I want to ask them why they don't build the road themselves? But that is just the libertarian in me.

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